Both Business English and Presentation Programmes are customised to meet the individual and corporate current challenges and goals

Presentation Programmes

Real transformational change to your communication can take months. Short one or two day/quick ‘fix it’ presentation courses just don't work.”

Do you know how to inspire a global audience? Do you know how to get people to listen to you, take action and think differently?

How to not be nervous for a presentation


Do you find it difficult to persuade and influence others with your great ideas? Are you uncomfortable on stage, or leading a virtual conference? Do you have trouble fully utilising your years of expertise and experience when you present?

What would it mean to you and your business to truly be able to engage and inspire your audience when you speak?

Presenting is an essential life skill, a key leadership skill that is sadly often neglected by our universities and organisations.

If you…

Believe your delivery needs to be as impactful as your content…

Want to achieve engaging, honest and authentic communication…

Are looking for help making your message clear and concise…

Need additional skills to make an impact when presenting virtually…

Feel you could be more compelling, dynamic, and interesting when you speak…

Have decided to speed up your personal and professional growth…

… Then these programmes are for you.

Presenting effectively is a complicated skill set which can take months of hard work to master, but with a personalised Presentation Programme, you will be able to focus solely on where you’ll have the biggest growth.

Programmes include My 4 powerful communication pillars for effective business presentation:

Presentation skills: How to engage your audience fully, with compelling presentations that combine visuals with words to achieve your communication goals, shift behaviour, and drive change.

Vocal coaching and body language: How to inspire and influence your listeners with vocal variety, confident posture, and engaging body language.

Language: How to sell your ideas to your audience persuasively with simple and clear points, positive language, and good linguistic variety. .

Pronunciation: How to speak clearly and be understood easily. This pillar is extremely important—even for advanced and native English-speaking professionals.


AI coaching feedback: Review and reflect on your progress easily, with transcripts, qualitative and quantitative AI analytics, and time stamped feedback from the AI speech coaching app.

Consistency: Ongoing support, year after year, just when you need it – for your key presentations and seminars.

Schedule a free consultation with me, Melanie, to build a tailor-made course to fit your needs.


Engaging slides to help convey my messages. Stress has gone!

Melanie transformed my slides to be more engaging to help convey the messages I want to share. Great work too on my voice and body, and language. I felt at ease for the first time presenting in front of a large group. The stress had gone and I was even able to improvise. Now I am now asked to give more and more presentations. What honesty! What passion! And what valuable advice! Thank you so much.
— Meriem Afif, Inside Channel Manager, Milestone - BENELUX

Perfect online course, perfect timing for my career. Love the AI speech coaching app

Before this amazing and well structured course, I lacked assertiveness and energy, crucial when you want to make a global impact on complex topics, such as climate change. But I now feel more confident when presenting in person and online with audiences from 20+ countries. Proven as participants remark on the power of my content and I have been invited to more meetings to share my innovative ideas. I also love the AI app. A perfect course for me! I have worked hard on my expertise, but without effective sharing, I missed too many opportunities for my career. Perfect timing.
— Dr Davide Ziveri, Global Environmental Specialist and Planetary Health passionate advocate, Humanity & Inclusion GLOBAL NGO

Improved worldwide training with a stronger voice and clearer messages

I provide training worldwide and after just five sessions with Melanie, my messages are clearer and as a result, my learners have more trust in our new CRM tool, a key change management goal. On a personal level I feel more confident, my voice is no longer strained and I am able to contribute more to my organisation.
— Emeline Picard, Training Consultant, Cream Consulting - BELGIUM

Key enabler to successfully present digital European brain research infrastructure

Melanie helped a small team of neuroscientists, working on their persuasive language and voices, to present our digital pan-European research infrastructure. Our mission is to be a major enabler to advance brain research covering different areas such as neuroscience, brain health and brain-inspired technology. This presentation was key to scientific progress and was a great success.
— France Nivelle, Chief Communications Office, EBRAINS - EUROPE

Business English Programmes

“Intensive grammar studying and online exercises don't result in real grammar acquisition”

Do you feel lost in meetings, but you’re unsure of what to say about it?

Do you fear the way you write your emails, proposals, and reports is making you look like less of an expert than you really are?

But you don’t have to use perfect grammar and complicated expressions in English to be understood and respected in your day-to-day communication.

Communicating effectively in spoken and written English is quickly becoming one of the most in-demand skills in business. From administrative assistance up to the highest levels of your company, the written word is being used to set appointments, close deals, and spread great ideas – so accuracy is extremely important. But when you’re speaking, you don’t have to be perfect. You just need to be understood.

Melanie helps her clients identify and focus on their most important current challenges, so they can make progress where it will really matter.

The Business English Programmes are for you if you want to…

Be clearly understood by global business partners in meetings and via email…

Stop sabotaging your ideas and invalidating your arguments with incorrect grammar and language that lacks power …

Encourage meeting participants, as a leader, when there is a large variation in English levels present…

Adapt, like a chameleon, and vary your English between informal and formal settings…

… Or be fully prepared for the challenging questions at your next interview.

A targeted programme with Melanie will help you (or your team) make the most of your biggest opportunities, so you never have to wonder “Did they understand what I meant?” again.

Depending on what you need, Business English Programmes can include:

  • 7-point language assessment and communication analysis

  • Meeting simulations adapted to your organisation

  • Informal and formal email writing to achieve results

  • Report, LinkedIn profile, and CV writing

  • General business vocabulary and expressions

  • The place of complicated expressions; idioms

  • Professional networking vocabulary to build strong relationships

  • Importance of asking good questions

  • What to say, with confidence, when you don't understand

  • Pronunciation (consonants, vowel and word stress)

  • Grammar with a special focus on the Tenses, Modals and Conditionals

Schedule a free consultation with me, Melanie, to build a customised course to fit your needs.


From hesitant to confident when negotiating across borders 

After only a few sessions, my English was already improving which was very motivating. Melanie’s flexibility and willingness to adapt to my needs were highly appreciated. As a result of our work together, my pronunciation is clearer, and my listening skills have improved due to my vocabulary work. This is important when negotiating with clients across borders.
— Partner, British international law firm, Brussels - BELGIUM

A pragmatic approach tailored to HR in a world-class pharma environment

Melanie helped me to rebuild my confidence to speak English again. Starting with my job, she identified the needs to perform my Human Resources role in a world class pharmaceutical company. She then designed practical exercises: interviews and appraisals to focus on my core HR competencies.
— Virginie Verhulst, Senior HR Consultant, Verhulst Consulting - FRANCE

Feel extremely confident to share my valuable work with corporates

Melanie assessed and helped me celebrate my English level, Mastery: able to communicate with the fluency and sophistication of a highly competent English speaker. I became proud of my accent and she gave me tips with my voice and the clarity of my messages. I now feel extremely confident about my ability to Coach and share my valuable work with individuals and corporates.
— Ashrefunisa Shaik, EMCC coaching and Educational Specialist, Tournai - BELGIUM
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