Master Engaging Presentations and Skyrocket Your Impact in Just 6 Months

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Introducing Persuasive Presentations!


Discover the proven system that empowers you to captivate audiences, communicate confidently, and achieve your professional goals with less stress.

Feel the familiar anxiety before presenting?

Struggle to articulate your expertise?

You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Does Presenting Stress You Out?

You know that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach when you have an important presentation coming up. Does your mind go blank when you present even though you know you are an expert and can make a valuable contribution? How frustrating is it when your great ideas are not accepted?

I get it, and let’s face it, presenting/public speaking is hard. It requires specialised skills that take time to master. And that can make giving an important presentation feel super stressful. Often, you just don’t have enough time to prepare and practice. So you end up feeling exposed, and judged.

You’re an expert in your field and have invaluable ideas to share, but what if sadly your delivery doesn’t match? You know how key this is for you and your organisation to drive the positive change or action taking expected.


The Fear of Public Speaking Is Very Real

“I feel so stressed when speaking in public. I start shaking, my heart beats fast, and my mind goes blank.”

Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA) is a terrifying fear which negatively affects your performance. And it left unaddressed, chances are high it will only hinder your career progression.

“Despite an initial confidence boost from presentation courses, I find myself where I was at the start, unable to inspire my audience and drive change.”

Most public speaking courses last for 1 or 2 days, which is great for a skills brush-up, but simply insufficient for real transformation. You desire this profound change but remain frustrated and don’t know where to start.

And all these legitimate concerns are amplified for non-native English speakers and introverts who are uncomfortable in the spotlight.

“Presenting is hard. I’m afraid I will never acquire the skills to present well for my organisation.”

Mastering presentations does not come naturally for many. But these skills can be trained. The work I do with clients is testimony to the fact.

However, without the right tools and techniques, your message will continue to falter, leaving you lagging behind at work while others excel.

So, let me show you the path to a better future for your public speaking and presentations ...


The Journey to Effective Communication

Imagine captivating your audience with confidence and making a real difference. With my guidance, the vision is attainable. With the right guidance, you can get better at speaking. 
It’s a promise!

How would it feel if you could present your ideas effectively, using your voice, body, language and powerful visuals to engage and inspire. How different would that experience be for you—and your audience?

What if instead of your presentation not hitting the mark, you could land those messages with greater impact? Your audience would now embrace your company’s new strategy with great excitement or be highly motivated to take on a new project!

That means once you step off the stage or finish your webinar, people will come and find you, and tell you how your presentation made an impact on them. They may even ask how they can help to achieve your goal. How proud and accomplished would that make you feel?

The good news is: that’s all totally within reach. It’s not as hard as you might think, because you can acquire these powerful and invaluable skills.

Most presentation courses last only 1 or 2 days. Great for practising a few skills. But simply insufficient for real transformational change. You risk your time & money for results that fall short of your aspirations. You crave this profound and lasting change in your skills, but don’t know where to start.

And that’s why I created a unique “Persuasive Presentations” course for busy professionals and leaders like you. When you speak in front of an audience, I want you to get the results your organisation wants, and make the impact you truly deserve.

Making high impact, persuasive presentations is possible when you follow a structured approach, learn from a proven toolkit, practise each new technique, and use my Record, Reflect, Review module to further develop yourself and plan your next steps.


From Concept to Creation

The Inspiration Behind the Persuasive Presentations Programme

The idea for the course all began from my work helping professionals with their Business English. I quickly realised that what they needed most was effective communication tools to be more persuasive and impactful. But what I also discovered is many didn’t have these essential skills in their native tongue either. And so they were constantly anxious and stressed about speaking in public, and frustrated with their performance.

People kept on asking for more, so I immersed myself into the studies of language teaching, phonetics, vocal coaching, body language and PowerPoint design to help these experts with the critical presentations they were doing.

Suddenly, native English speakers started reaching out to me too, and well, things just took off from there. I realised how much this was a huge gap in professional training and leadership development.

From this spark, and inspired by what people really needed help with most, I developed a comprehensive course with everything you need to create and give high impact persuasive presentations.


The Programme at a Glance

Structured Content

Discover a detailed 12 module programme, designed with engaging videos, checklists, tools for non-native speakers, and a cutting-edge AI coaching app.

Personalised Learning

Choose from self study or coaching options with a comprehensive curriculum, expert feedback on your own material, and coaching to elevate your presentation skills further.

High Value Expertise

Melanie’s mission is to empower you to present with authenticity and ease, regardless of your background or language proficiency. Her support and dedication to your success ensures you get results from the programme.


The Promise Is Simple

In just 6 months and with less stress, you can confidently give an engaging presentation and make a bigger impact.

Enrol now


High Impact & ROI for Organisational Leaders

“My stress and anxiety affect my ability to pitch to clients or present to key stakeholders. I’m not making the impact I want.”

Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA) is a terrifying fear which affects your employees’ performance. And if left unaddressed, chances are high it will only continue to hinder the growth and success of your company.

“Despite attending our programmed 2 day public speaking course, I still find myself unable to inspire the audience and drive change.”

Most presentation courses offer quick fix-it solutions, offering a brief skill and confidence boost. Yet, they fail to deliver the true transformation needed to empower your teams for impactful change. And let’s not forget the wasted company money and employees’ time.

“I want to improve my presentation skills but my firm doesn’t invest in communication courses to help me grow.”

Your employees crave to develop the skill of presenting powerfully and persuasively, yet they need support and guidance. Without this investment in Learning & Development (L&D), you risk losing top talent as they seek organisations that truly foster their growth.


Exceptional Impact on Clients & their Audiences

Transformed my executive communication with Melanie’s techniques and honest approach.

“I struggled to articulate my passion for our business with clarity in a way that landed my messages. With Melanie, I transformed my executive communication style by implementing her powerful presentation techniques. I now garner a new level of engagement & support for my team & customers.”

—President of the South Region, UNFI, USA

Melanie transformed the team’s voices, visuals & messages; noticed globally.

“We learnt how to use our voices & bodies, our visuals & language to deliver clearer messages & be authentic. It was critical to reduce stage fright to a manageable feeling. The process was huge and easily noticed at our annual strategy kick-off.”

—HR Business Partner, Ayming, Benelux

Make a bigger impact with clearer language and strong starts to engage your audience.

“I explored with Melanie: strong starts, engaging visuals & her powerful linguistic techniques. I am now able to make a bigger impact when I speak, with an increased feeling of self-confidence!”

—Global VP Category & Market Intelligence, Ontex


How It Works

Structured Content

Upon enrolment, you receive access to the full 12 module online course (8 module for Essentials). It’s divided into 6 sections, all bite-sized nuggets of learning, so you won’t get lost or overwhelmed. And I’ve provided a suggested schedule for month-by-month progress that you can follow, plus checklists to help you reflect and review. Of course, you can go at your own pace too.

Each module contains between 1 and 12 videos, a glossary/mini dictionary for non-native English speakers and some downloadable PDFs with recommended exercises and extra support.

You’ll also receive access to my incredibly powerful AI coaching app from, which is absolutely a critical part of how you iteratively reflect and improve on your presentations for your continued growth and success. There’s nothing like it out there—part of my secret sauce!


Transformative Messaging & Impact
Inside this course, you’ll discover how to:

  • Start with the end in mind, and what having great presentation skills actually means.

  • Turn your fear into excitement and passion. Let me tell you, the journey can be fun.

  • Prepare your audience for action by focusing on your communication goal. It’s time to stir their emotions.

  • Hook your listeners from the moment you begin to speak. Practise my 7 Strong Starts so people hang on every word you say.

  • Sharpen your messages with clear and concise points that land every time. Simplicity is super empowering for non-native English speakers.


You’ll also learn and practise how to:

  • Engage and inspire with your voice. Know how to play with this instrument of engagement.

  • Amplify your points with powerful gestures and strong posture that convey authority.

  • Think visually to create engaging slides that ensure your messages are understood and remembered by your audience.

  • Communicate with an audience of varying levels of English using tools to empower non-native speakers.


Techniques and Toolkits

  • A complete toolkit to help you present ideas effectively so you can make a big impact on an audience and drive results for your business or organisation.

  • A professionally designed curriculum that’s uniquely positioned to guide you to create and deliver powerful presentations.

  • Tuition and mentoring to help you present with reduced fear, stress and anxiety, so you can focus more on your ideas, content and the audience.

  • Techniques to become more engaging and inspiring so your audience actively supports the actions you’re proposing.


Who the Course Is For

For all working professionals who want to present their ideas effectively and make a bigger impact. This includes scientists, engineers, lawyers, technically-minded people even if you see yourself as an introvert.

This course is ideal if you are:

  • Making informal or formal presentations at least once a week, either in person or online, internally or externally.

  • Able to commit time and energy to the 4 acquisition stages in each of the modules.

  • Willing to practise the techniques in your daily professional life so they start to become automatic.

The course is accessible for non-native English professionals too. I’ve included a glossary/dictionary, by video, of the words and expressions used from upper intermediate (CEFR B2, IELTS 5.5) to proficient (CEFR C2, IELTS 9) speakers.


“What an amazing course! It’s clear and well structured.”

“Before taking the Essentials course, I lacked assertiveness and energy, critical when you want to make a global impact on such a crucial topic as climate change. But I now feel more confident, confirmed when I did an in person presentation with 30 people and I didn’t feel any anxiety or an online one with 80 participants from 20 countries and I loved to meet them.

I also love the AI app which I’ve used about 20 times, recording in private and reviewing the AI analytics: my top key words and delivery. I believe my messages and slides are now stronger and clearer. And after just six weeks, participants began to remark on the power of my content and how this touched them. And I have been invited to participate in more external meetings to share my innovative ideas.

Of course, it’s a process—I’m still learning, practising and enjoying!

It was a perfect course for me: I already worked hard on my expertise in this complex content, but without effective sharing, I missed too many opportunities for my career. So this course was perfect timing.”

—Dr. Davide Ziveri, Global Environmental Specialist and Planetary Health passionate advocate, Humanity & Inclusion

How You Can Get Started

If you would like to learn how to reduce your fear, anxiety and stress, and gain the credibility you truly deserve, I’d be honoured and delighted to give you the tools you need to present your great ideas with impact.

Just choose your option below to get started or book a call to discuss which plan would suit you best.




one-time payment *

normally €997

“Ignite your Speaking Superpowers”: a fast-track self-study programme. Get started right away!

  • Kick-start foundational self-study modules

  • AI speech coach feedback/app both with annual licence




one-time payment *

normally €1997

Persuasive Presentations Full Course with AI speech coaching app. Available for pre-order—save €500!

  • Entire “Persuasive Presentation” self study course

  • AI speech coach feedback/app both with annual licence


You’ll find the full curriculum, programme details, and FAQs further below. If you have questions, let’s explore what’s needed.

What's Included:



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Enrol now
Overview of the course design, how to acquire great presentation skills and turn fear into excitement
Communication GOAL
Focus on the change you require for your communication skills
Understanding your audience to talk to them and not at them and really connect
Plan format to set you up for success, online, hybrid and in person: tech, executive online presence, formats, timing and interactions
Devise structure to help listeners follow and retain your key messages
Generate ideas to maximise output and minimise content
Sharpen script to add weight to your words: Simplify, support & strengthen, Rhetorical questions, Repetition, Call to actions
Sharpen script to add weight to your words: Positive language, Simple verbs, Verbal markers
Slide design: Think visually Starter tips in simple PDF to powerfully support your messages and help them land
Slide design: Think visually Top 10 tips in 10 videos to powerfully support your messages and help them land
Start strongly 7 starts to hook your audience from the moment you begin
End powerfully to finish with your audience knowing the desired change is possible and wanting to help you achieve it. Includes Power words, meaningful thank yous, handovers and asking & answering questions
Body language to amplify your messages: Posture, Movement, Eye contact, Facial expressions, Gestures
Vocal image to engage and inspire so you can influence your audience: Pause, Tonality, Rate of Speech, Volume, Pitch & Melody, Sentence Stress
Body language to build confidence: Appearance
Check speech with an AI speech coaching app, Yoodli, to promote self development without judgment
Record, review & reflect to conduct vocal, visual and language reviews to plan your next steps
SUPER POLISH TIPS TO SHINE, unlock your potential and be the very best version of your professional self

With Coaching:



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Enrol now
Upgrade to include COACHING
2 personal laser coaching sessions +€300
6 monthly one hour personal coaching sessions and BONUS pre-programme feedback with AI app +1000

The Benefits of Coaching

There are three big reasons why people choose the self study course PLUS coaching option:

  1. Tailored Transformation
    Personalised coaching elevates the self study course experience by offering customised strategies and techniques that cater directly to your needs, ensuring a faster and more effective improvement in your presentation skills and confidence.

  2. Real-Time Interaction and Accountability
    With coaching, enjoy the benefits of instant feedback and adjustments, enhancing skill retention and motivation. My real-time support ensures you stay on track towards your communication goals, a level of interaction and accountability hard to replicate in the self study course alone.

  3. Focus on Your Unique Material
    Coaching focuses on your actual material, making learning highly relevant and actionable. This approach ensures you are applying your new powerful communication strategies to real-world situations, boosting your impact and growth significantly.


Guaranteed Outcomes

The promise is that after 6 months you will:

  • Be more optimistic, confident and comfortable speaking in front of an audience.

  • Demonstrate your expertise and articulate your ideas clearly to make a bigger impact.

  • Receive positive feedback from listeners.

  • Feel less intimidated by proficient or native speakers, as appropriate.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • To gain real value from the course, please follow the 6 month schedule (or 4 months for the Essentials) I have set out for you. Then enjoy the next 6 months refreshing certain techniques where you want to further improve your skills.

    You will find your confidence and skills growing week by week, with full gains the more you engage in and practise what you’re learning.

  • Those where money and time are tight. Please don’t join the course looking for instant results. Acquiring great presentation skills takes time, a minimum of 3 to 6 months and for some, up to a year. If you are looking for a quick return on investment, please take a quick fix-it course. Communication skills only improve over months and when you dedicate sufficient preparation and are prepared to be bold and try new techniques. This course is for those willing to put in the effort and work hard!

    Professionals who are giving presentations, informally or formally, less often than once a week. Because in the course, you will need to practise your new skills weekly to achieve the results I promise.

    Politicians, TEDx speakers and keynote speakers. The course is designed for business professionals only and whilst there is a strong focus on language, I have not included a module on speech writing or advanced skills that keynote speakers need.

    Non-native English speakers who are beginners, pre-intermediate and intermediate (CEFR A1, IELTS 1 to CEFR B1, IELTS 5). You will need first to focus on your Business English language skills before taking this course.

  • There are 4 options with their prices below, all excluding VAT/sales tax. For the Premium and Premium Plus options, please book a call if you would like a payment plan and we will spread the cost over four months.

    Book a Call

  • There are 4 stages to acquiring persuasive presentation skills. I’ve included a lesson on this in the foundation module: theory, self-awareness, practice and autonomy. You will need to get creative, experiment and go out of your comfort zone to change the way you communicate for all the modules. There are no shortcuts.

    By using my AI speech coaching app, from, and the techniques I teach to record, review and reflect, you will gradually transform your delivery to become consistently engaging, inspiring and compelling.

  • This course is a great fit for you too. You need exactly the same skill set to support the critical work that you do and inspire your audiences to bring the outcomes you want.

  • There are no refunds for the course. The results depend largely on the mindset and hard work you bring to this. Please only join if you can commit 1-2 hours a week to improving your presentations and are happy to change the way you communicate from many angles. Feel free to book a call with me if you have any questions. We will, together, help you make the right decision.

  • Clients tell me, and I know from my corporate experience, 1- or 2-day Presentation Skills boost your initial confidence and give you good basic skills, such as structure and improved online presence. But what they can never do is provide you with the executive communication techniques that achieve real transformative change. This is what drives the big impact gains and results you want when speaking in front of an audience. You need to alter all aspects of your delivery: your language, voice and body, your visuals etc and these are simply not learnt or acquired in a few days.

  • Both the Essentials (partial) and Premium (full) programme options are entirely self study, with self evaluation using the AI app. They do not include any coaching or feedback from me personally. The PLUS options include 1:1 coaching and individual feedback to accelerate and amplify your results.

    Please BOOK A CALL below or reach out to me via email if you’re not sure which would be the right path for you, and I’d be delighted to help.

  • No it doesn’t. The course is intended for your own personal development, rather than a tool with which you achieve a certain professional requirement. However, I can provide a Certificate of Attendance on completion if you wish. Just reach out to me by email to request it.

  • Let’s discuss where you are now and what you’re looking for. Very happy to jump on a call with you. Schedule a day and time that best suits you.



When you enrol, 

here’s what you will receive...

  • A welcome email from Melanie

  • Access information, onboarding and orientation support

  • For Essentials and Premium Plus, with coaching, an invitation to book your first session

  • Annual licence to my 12 module (8 for Essentials) “Persuasive Presentations” course (videos, suggested 6 month schedule [4 months for the Essentials], checklists, PDFs and a glossary/dictionary for non-native English speakers)

  • Annual licence to my AI speech coaching application,


Melanie Hussell - Your instructor & coach

Melanie Hussell is a Business Communication Coach with high value expertise and experience working with clients throughout Europe and North America.

With over 16 years’ European corporate experience at senior management level, native English speaker & Business English teacher and coach, specialising in Pronunciation and Public Speaking, she empowers executives and senior managers to:

  • Present their ideas with credibility

  • Maximise each opportunity to drive change

  • Fully engage their audience

  • Communicate with ease and authenticity

Her mission is to empower native and non-native English professionals to communicate with impact and confidence to drive change for their organisation, regardless of their function, age, experience, English level or accent.


Choose Your Plan for Mastering

Persuasive Presentations

With my flexible pathways to results, you can create your own adventure and go at your own pace. You can navigate solo or opt for a journey with elite mentorship.

There are four options depending on your desired goals, preferences and needs. The Essentials part of the curriculum—the course with or without coaching, and the entire curriculum, Premium—the course with or without coaching.



one-time payment *

normally €997

“Ignite your Speaking Superpowers”: a fast-track self-study programme. Get started right away!

  • Kick-start foundational self-study modules

  • AI speech coach feedback/app both with annual licence




one-time payment *

normally €1997

Persuasive Presentations Full Course with AI speech coaching app. Available for pre-order—save €500!

  • Entire “Persuasive Presentation” self study course

  • AI speech coach feedback/app both with annual licence
